I'm currently living near Minneapolis, Minnesota, where the people are nice
and the food is good.
In my many travels I have
learned a thing or two.
Beware the Jabberwock
I have been selected as one of Technology Review's
for my work with Cosm and Distributed Computing. I also have
some press clippings.
The Manifesto of Education
I've had a rather varied collection of interests. I've done just about
everything I've ever wanted to do. I'm a big
fan. I played the saxophone and trumpet for years, tho I'm a bit out of
practice on both.
Back in my college days I was involved in just about
everything, I fenced, was in the student government, revived an
ACM chapter, worked as a sound
engineer for bands, and had a radio show. I was a memeber of The Game
Masters Guild, Tau Epsilon Phi (Rho Delta Rho Chapter), Greek Council,
the Drama Club, and Residence Hall Association. I also managed to be
the IIT Webmaster and get out alive with a degree in Computer
Engineering from IIT.
Words of Wisdom
You may be here looking for my
PGP Public Keys
Funny Things



 My Words

Most of my waking hours are spent working on Cosm, one of the projects
of my company Mithral Communications
& Design, Inc.
is a set of protocols for doing cross platform development and
large scale distributed computing. If
you're interested in such things, let me know, there is still lots
to do.
I also do some work with some great folks over at Stanford University
on a research project in how proteins do the wrong thing and lead
to things like mad cow and parkinsons -
Several years back I was the Founder and President of distributed.net.
It served as a wonderful proving ground, cracking RC5-56, and several
DES contests.
When I'm not in front of a computer, I'm off biking, rollerblading,
hanging out with friends, watching TV, or reading.
When I am in front of the computer and not working on
Cosm, I'm generally chatting with other netizens.
Did I mention that I'm a
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36 years, 185cm (6'1"), 66kg (145lb),
brown hair, green eyes.
Created: December 1993
Last Redesign: Jan 6, 2003
Last Update: Around 2004?
visits Oct 24, 1996 to July 29, 2005