Encoder FunctionsCosmTransformInitSyntax#include "cosm/transform.h" s32 CosmTransformInit( cosm_TRANSFORM * transform, s32 (*init)( cosm_TRANSFORM *, va_list ), s32 (*encode)( cosm_TRANSFORM *, const void * const, u64 ), s32 (*end)( cosm_TRANSFORM * ), cosm_TRANSFORM * next_transform, ... ); DescriptionSetup and initialize the transform. ... depends on the transform and are fed to the transform's init, which is called by this function. If next_transform is non-NULL, then the output is fed to that transform, and many transforms will require this. See the documentation for the transform functions, which are usually provided as a single define, for more information. init must process and copy any needed params to a struct allocated totransform->tmp_data, or if a single pointer is enough just set tmp_data. encode must process the input data and minimally pass it to the next_transform if there is one. end must finish any processing writing to the output/params and free any temprary data. See the common transforms or security functions for uses and minimal functionality of transforms. You should always define a macro for the 3 callback functions. Return ValuesCOSM_PASS on success, or a transform error code on failure. Errors
Predefined transforms
Examplecosm_BUFFER buf; cosm_TRANSFORM tmp; CosmMemSet( &buf, sizeof( cosm_BUFFER ), 0 ); CosmMemSet( &tmp, sizeof( cosm_TRANSFORM ), 0 ); if ( CosmTransformInit( &tmp, COSM_TRANSFORM_TO_BUFFER, NULL, &buf ) != COSM_PASS ) { return -1; } CosmTransformSyntax#include "cosm/transform.h" s32 CosmTransform( cosm_BUFFER * output, cosm_TRANSFORM * tmp, const void * const data, u64 length ); DescriptionFeed length bytes of data into the encoding routines. Any encoded data will be placed into the output buffer but may not be put into the output buffer after every call for some algorithms. Make sure your data has been CosmSave'd before using this. Return ValuesCOSM_PASS on success, or a transform error code on failure. Errors
Examplecosm_BUFFER buf; cosm_TRANSFORM tmp; u8 data[8] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4 }; /* ... */ if ( CosmTransform( &tmp, data, 8LL ) != COSM_PASS ) { return -2; } CosmTransformEndSyntax#include "cosm/transform.h" s32 CosmTransformEnd( cosm_BUFFER * output, cosm_TRANSFORM * tmp ); DescriptionClear any temporary data and put the last of the encoded data into the buffer. Make sure to empty and CosmBufferFree the output buffer of your data after calling this function. If this function fails, you must call it again. This second call will always succeed and clean up any mess. Return ValuesCOSM_PASS on success, or a transform error code on failure. Errors
Examplecosm_BUFFER buf; cosm_TRANSFORM tmp; /* ... use the transform */ if ( CosmTransformEnd( &tmp ) != COSM_PASS ) { /* something bad happened, but we're all cleaned up */ return -3; } /* empty out the buffer */ /* then dont forget to free it */ CosmBufferFree( &buf ); CosmTransformEndAllSyntax#include "cosm/transform.h" s32 CosmTransformEndAll( cosm_TRANSFORM * transform ); DescriptionEnds the transform and all transforms following it. Return ValuesCOSM_PASS on success, or a transform error code on failure. Error returned will be the first error in the chain if there is one. Errors
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